Thursday, June 7, 2007

out with the hardly old, in with the fairly new

Tomorrow evening, AntsyPants and I are hosting a party for a colleague who is about to leave for another university. It's a combo-party, actually. We're saying goodbye to her and her partner, as well as celebrating their two-day-old marriage. Huzzah!

Thing is, and please don't tell anyone, I dread hosting parties. No one believes me when I say that I'm shy, shy, shy. And I hate to think of all the judgment that will come down on my "lifestyle." I'm completely incapable of keeping a pristine house and I don't have the most traditional of tastes. And, rationally, I know that no one cares if I think purple is the perfect wall color for an office; nor, do I think they care that there are a few small, visible dust bunnies hopping around the place. But I can't help myself. Throwing parties might as well be throwing up--in my experience, anyway. The horrible anticipation, the panic-induced, sweaty-in-the-moment sensation, the barky noises I make against my will . . . . Preparing to host, hosting, and hurling are one in the same in my book. In all cases, I feel so much better after the fact. Here's to Saturday!

Ah, Saturday. The day after the party we host to send off a colleague who was with us for a mere two years, we'll be attending a birthday party for a newish friend. This newish friend is part of a group of folks with whom we've been hanging (i.e., drinking) for the past few months. I'm thoroughly grateful for these newish folks. Our Friday happy hours varyingly consist of three other couples, all of whom are associated with different departments in our university. After six years, we've finally found "work" people whose company we thoroughly enjoy. Errr. I suppose I should speak for myself. I do enjoy many of my departmental colleagues, but these newish people, they're so easy to be around, no matter my mood. I haven't encountered such an easy co-presence in a long time.

Wish me luck this weekend.

I'll try to keep y'all posted, or at least, give a report some time soon.

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