Wednesday, June 20, 2007

what would it take?

For those of you on the tenure track: What would compel you to leave your job before a tenure decision is made? That is, besides an impending dismissal, what do/would you find intolerable in your workplace?

How many of you believe that other folks in other departments/schools have it worse than you do (for whatever reasons)?

How many of you suffer dissatisfaction (or worse) but think, "Every place has its problems. Might as well stay where I am"?

How many of you believe that some departments/schools are toxic and require evacuation for self-preservation?

Perhaps I'll feel comfortable giving more context for my inquiries as folks respond (if y'all do, an I hope you do); but right now, I'm afraid to disclose too much. Y'all know I want to share with y'all, right? Just know for certain that I ask not for the purposes of some research project or op ed piece for any one of our fabulous and informative higher ed rags. I've just been thinking about these things a lot lately.

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